

If you see the following error message when you try to access Google Scholar via the A-Z Database List, it is because Google sometimes blocks access via libraries' proxy servers. Google does not provide information when this happens and often times the situation resolves itself. Access on campus should not be affected.

We recommend taking the following steps should you encounter this issue:

1. Access Google Scholar via the un-proxied version:

2. From the Menu Icon on the Top Left select Settings then Library Links

3. In-Library Links, search for Queens College then select "Queens College --> Fulltext at QC"

4. SAVE and return to the Google Scholar homepage

5. When you see the "Queens College --> Fulltext at QC", select to either be re-directed to the Library Catalogue, OneSearch, or asked to log in to the library proxy in order to access articles.

6. Please review the FAQ on logging into the library proxy should you have any questions.


Last Updated: Jun 14, 2023 FAQ Views: 317 FAQ Views