

Most ebooks are available in both formats but some are available only in 1 format.

  • PDFs have distinct pages and allow for page-level retrieval and citations.
  • PDF eBooks are compatible with screen readers using an ASCII text layer.

  • EPUB books can be resized to fit your screen better.

  • Most EPUBs contain heading levels that can be used to navigate within the content.

  • Books may also be downloaded in PDF and EPUB format:

  • Most full book downloads require an Adobe Digital Editions reader
  • DRM-free downloads can be read using any PDF or EPUB reader. DRM-free files have the extension .pdf or .epub
  • Partial book downloads (pages, chapters) are DRM-free and may be read using any PDF reader tool
  • For more information, please visit EBSCO ebook Accessibility User Guidelines Page.


Last Updated: Jun 14, 2023 FAQ Views: 219 FAQ Views