

As part of our Reserves / Course Content support, the Reserves collection makes course materials assigned by Queens College faculty available to students.

To borrow a print/physical item on Reserve, visit the Borrowing Desk on the 3rd floor and provide the call number of the item you wish to borrow. If you do not have the call number and need assistance, please speak with an Information Assistant at the Information Desk or a Reference Librarian at the Research Services office.

In the event that a reserve item is currently checked out, the library clerk will inform you of the time when the item is due back. You may then come back for it later. You should always notify us that you wish to borrow the item so that we do not renew the item to the current lender.

Please note: We do not place hold requests on reserves. If the waiting patron does not come for the item within about 15 minutes from the time that it was due, the item will then be lent to the next person who requests it.

Last Updated: Jul 18, 2023 FAQ Views: 195 FAQ Views