

Users may submit hold requests for readily available CUNY library books or materials by utilizing the OneSearch catalog. Once you are logged in with your CUNYFirst credentials, you may select "Request a physical copy" for eligible items, and then choose your preferred pick-up campus location. After submitting your request, the library will notify you by email to the address associated with your CUNYFirst account, once your item is ready for pick-up.

Be advised that not every item in the OneSearch catalog is eligible for hold or request. These include but are not limited to Reserve Desk materials, media-based items such as microfilms, videos, and CD-ROMs, and Reference status books.

Note: If Queens College owns an eBook copy of a certain item, and you are looking to request a physical copy that is only available at another CUNY library institution, you may be required to visit and submit your request directly through the owning library's OneSearch portal page instead.

For more information about book requesting services, please visit:

Last Updated: Mar 20, 2024 FAQ Views: 176 FAQ Views